Saturday 3 July 2010

Top 6 tips for keeping cool in this warm weather

I don't know about you - but I am seriously loving this warm weather we're having, although it can be a bit unbearable at times. Here's my top 6 tips to stay cool:

1. Run your wrists under cool water every few hours to cool you blood
2. Eat small meals more often. The larger the meal the more metabolic heat your body will create. Also try to avoid foods high in protein as this increases the metabolic rate.
3. Ladies - replace your usual morning & evening body moisturiser with aftersun to help lower your skin temperature.
4.Try to wear lightweight, light-coloured cotton clothes. Cotton absorbs perspiration and as it evaporates it cools you down. Light colours also help to reflect the sun's radiation.
5. Keep curtains drawn/blinds down when you're out of the house.
6. Fill a large plastic bottle with water and place in freezer overnight. When removed this will keep your water cool for most of the day.

Hope this helps :) Don't forget the sunscreen too. Try and use as a moisturiser after your daily shower.
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